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Savings Account Information

We offer a variety of different options for Checking, Savings, CDs, and other account services. The following information provides overview details for the different types of available savings accounts for Midwest National Bank's savings product lines.

FDIC and Equal Housing Lender logo

Consumer Savings

Perfect savings account for your general saving needs!

$50 Opening Deposit
Interest rate and annual percentage yield may change daily, interest will be compounded semi-annually and credited to the account semi-annually.  Limited to 4 monthly automatic transfers or customer-initiated disbursement made by telephone, check, debit card, or electronic transfers to third parties without a service charge.

Minor Savings

Start a custodial savings account with an initial gift and watch it grow!

$25 Opening Deposit
No minimum age requirements
Interest rate and annual percentage yield may change daily
Interest will be automatically added to account.

Christmas Club

Funds are disbursed at the end of the club account period of October 1st the following year: Check by Mail and or Automatic Deposit to a different Midwest National Bank checking or savings account.             

Account may be opened starting in October-December of the current year, multiple deposits during the club period is required.

Withdrawals made prior to club account period of the following year October 1st will be assessed additional fees, at the end of the club period this account will automatically be closed after disbursement is made.

Google Maps Aviston Location

490 Page St., Aviston, IL 62216

Google Maps Sandoval Location